Early Years - Nursery & Reception
Nursery Admissions
The school deals with admissions for Nursery and intake throughout the year, with an open day in Autumn term for parents and carers to visit nursery, meet the staff and ask any questions. During the pandemic the open day was replaced by virtual tours of the school, which are still available at the bottom of the page for information.
If you are interested in a nursery place please complete the application form and return it to the school office.
The school nursery runs morning and afternoon sessions:
Morning 8:50am to 11:50am
Afternoon 12:15pm - 3:15pm
Top up care can be provided for our afternoon children taking you to 3:15pm in line with the rest of the school. This is £2.50 per day.
We take children from 2 years old and accept paid and funded places.
The charge for a 3 hour session is £15.
Further information on funding for 2, 3 and 4 year old children can be found via Coventry City Council's website.
Please return completed Nursery application forms to admin@jsprimary.org
Nursery Classroom and Outdoors
Take a look at the environment which Nursery children learn and develop.
Reception classroom and outdoors
Take a look at the environment which Reception children learn and develop.